Thinking to myself as I flew across the desert sand questions of the Middle East en route to landing in Tel Aviv - weren't the air hostesses of the past much hotter than the ones today? I've seen Catch Me If You Can. Stop. Pause. Bad behaviour. Have been warned not to compare women, much less treat them as objects. Note to self that I shouldn't do that again. Unless I'm trying to be a "bad boy"- in which case I can do that all I like. Spot conundrum? Told to be good, by those who would prefer me to be bad. Hmmm...
Israeli girls shock me. Firstly, they're all speaking English which means I can talk to them, which is a very good start. Secondly, they're beautiful, all types of course, from Ethiopian to Russian. But mostly, it's the directness that is appealing. The self confidence, bred into them no doubt by the unique situation they find themselves in, speaks volumes. Eye contact is long, sometimes lingering, and a particular woman just chooses to sit unnaturally close to me. We're not embarrassed. It's nice...
I'm beginning to think this could be the place for me when a pretty waitress wants to know ALL about me. We flirt, I think, although in hindsight, I think she was just talking. Sitting in a Tel Aviv bar at 2am and feeling ok with the world. Ask the waitress if I can meet her later... and of course, no. At least, I think, the no was just part of the conversation - not the reason for the conversation itself.
On arriving back in London I say hello to a girl at the baggage carousel. She looks at me like I'm a rapist. Back to reality.
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